6.1 Scrolled Windows

Scrolled windows are used to create a scrollable area with another widget inside it. You may insert any type of widget into a scrolled window, and it will be accessible regardless of the size by using the scrollbars.

The following function is used to create a new scrolled window.

scrolledWindowNew :: Maybe Adjustment -> Maybe Adjustment -> IO ScrolledWindow

The first argument is the adjustment for the horizontal direction, and the second is for the vertical direction. They are almost always set to Nothing .

scrolledWindowSetPolicy :: ScrolledWindowClass self => self -> PolicyType -> PolicyType -> IO ()

This sets the policy to be used with respect to the horizontal and vertical scrollbars. The constructor PolicyAlways always shows the scrollbar, PolicyNever never shows it and PolicyAutomatic shows it only if the page size is larger than the window. The default is PolicyAlways .

You can then place your object into the scrolled window using containerAdd if that object has a window associated with it. If not, then you'll need a Viewport , but you can add one automatically with:

scrolledWindowAddWithViewport :: (ScrolledWindowClass self, WidgetClass child) => self -> child -> IO ()

Should you forget about the viewport, GHCi produces a helpful error message if you use containerAdd when you should not have done so!

Here is an example that packs a table with 100 toggle buttons into a scrolled window. It implements a program from 'Yet Another Haskell Tutorial' by Hal Daumé III. This tutorial is freely available from the Haskell website. On page 43 there is a small program that lets a user repeatedly guess a number between 1 and 100 and tells whether the guess is too high, too low or correct. The random number is generated with function randomRIO from module System.Random.

The example implements this with a graphical user interface.

Scrolled Window

In the main window we use a vertical box to pack a label (for user information), a horizontal separator, a scrolled window, a horizontal separator and a horizontal box for two buttons from stock. The scrolled window is packed with PackGrow , to let it resize with the window, and the play and quit buttons are packed at the opposite ends of the horizontal box.

The 100 buttons are created with:

     buttonlist <- sequence (map numButton [1..100])

where the function numButton is defined as:

numButton :: Int -> IO Button
numButton n = do
        button <- buttonNewWithLabel (show n)
        return button

So, each button automatically gets the appropriate number as its label.

Inside the scrolled window we create a 10 by 10 table for the 100 buttons. To position the buttons we use the function cross , which is based on the List monad . This function, a very simple way to get a Cartesian product from two or more lists, is also discussed in YAHT (another program).

cross :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
cross row col = do 
        x <- row
        y <- col
        return (x,y)

The function attachButton takes a table, a button and a tuple of coordinates to place a button in the table. (See Chapter 3.3 for more on packing tables.)

attachButton :: Table -> Button -> (Int,Int) -> IO () attachButton ta bu (x,y) = tableAttachDefaults ta bu y (y+1) x (x+1)

Now the following code segment packs all the buttons in the table, with buttonlist as described above.

     let places = cross [0..9] [0..9]
     sequence_ (zipWith (attachButton table) buttonlist places)

Every time the user presses the play button, a random number must be generated, which can subsequently be compared to the user choice. But the Gtk2Hs signal handler onClicked takes a button, and a function which takes no parameters and has a value of type IO () . We need something like a global variable, and this is provided with the module Data.IORef. We can now use the following snippets, in different functions, to initialize, write and read the random number.

snippet 1   --  randstore <- newIORef 50  
snippet 2   --  writeIORef rst rand  
snippet 3   --  rand <- readIORef rst

The first gets a variable of type IORef Int and initializes it with 50. The second is implemented in the function randomButton :

randomButton :: ButtonClass b => Label -> IORef Int -> b -> IO (ConnectId b)
randomButton inf rst b = 
    onClicked b $ do rand <- randomRIO (1::Int, 100)
                     writeIORef rst rand  
                     set inf [labelLabel := "Ready"]
                     widgetModifyFg inf StateNormal (Color 0 0 65535)

and then used in the following snippet, where info is the label for the user information. (See Chapter 5.3 for colors and how they can be changed.)

Similar to the writing of the random number, the function actionButton implements the reading of randstore. It then compares the number obtained from the label of the button which has been clicked, and displays the relevant information on the info label.

Finally we have to monitor all 100 buttons to find out which one was pressed, if any.

     sequence_ (map (actionButton info randstore) buttonlist)

The above is analogous to all the other sequence _ and map combinations we've used, but in this case exactly one of the 100 signal handlers will be triggered, any time the user presses that particular button.

The following is the complete code for the example.

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Data.IORef 
import System.Random (randomRIO)

main:: IO ()
main= do
     window <- windowNew
     set window [ windowTitle := "Guess a Number", 
                  windowDefaultWidth := 300, windowDefaultHeight := 250]
     mb <- vBoxNew False 0
     containerAdd window mb

     info <- labelNew (Just "Press \"New\" for a random number")
     boxPackStart mb info PackNatural 7
     sep1 <- hSeparatorNew
     boxPackStart mb sep1 PackNatural 7
     scrwin <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
     boxPackStart mb scrwin PackGrow 0

     table <- tableNew 10 10 True
     scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scrwin table

     buttonlist <- sequence (map numButton [1..100])
     let places = cross [0..9] [0..9]
     sequence_ (zipWith (attachButton table) buttonlist places)

     sep2 <- hSeparatorNew
     boxPackStart mb sep2 PackNatural 7
     hb <- hBoxNew False 0
     boxPackStart mb hb PackNatural 0
     play <- buttonNewFromStock stockNew
     quit <- buttonNewFromStock stockQuit
     boxPackStart hb play PackNatural 0
     boxPackEnd hb quit PackNatural 0
     randstore <- newIORef 50
     randomButton info randstore play

     sequence_ (map (actionButton info randstore) buttonlist)  

     widgetShowAll window
     onClicked quit (widgetDestroy window)
     onDestroy window mainQuit

numButton :: Int -> IO Button
numButton n = do
        button <- buttonNewWithLabel (show n)
        return button

cross :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
cross row col = do 
        x <- row
        y <- col
        return (x,y)

attachButton :: Table -> Button -> (Int,Int) -> IO ()
attachButton ta bu (x,y) = 
              tableAttachDefaults ta bu y (y+1) x (x+1)

actionButton :: ButtonClass b => Label -> IORef Int -> b -> IO (ConnectId b)
actionButton inf rst b = 
  onClicked b $ do label <- get b buttonLabel
                   let num = (read label):: Int
                   rand <- readIORef rst
                   case compare num rand of
                     GT -> do set inf [labelLabel :=  "Too High"]
                              widgetModifyFg inf StateNormal (Color 65535 0 0)
                     LT -> do set inf [labelLabel := "Too Low"]
                              widgetModifyFg inf StateNormal (Color 65535 0 0)
                     EQ -> do set inf [labelLabel := "Correct"]
                              widgetModifyFg inf StateNormal (Color 0 35000 0)

randomButton :: ButtonClass b => Label -> IORef Int -> b -> IO (ConnectId b)
randomButton inf rst b = 
    onClicked b $ do rand <- randomRIO (1::Int, 100)
                     writeIORef rst rand  
                     set inf [labelLabel := "Ready"]
                     widgetModifyFg inf StateNormal (Color 0 0 65535)