The GHC Commentary - Hybrid Types

GHC essentially supports two type systems: (1) the source type system (which is a heavily extended version of the type system of Haskell 98) and (2) the Core type system, which is the type system used by the intermediate language (see also Sugar Free: From Haskell To Core).

During parsing and renaming, type information is represented in a form that is very close to Haskell's concrete syntax; it is defined by HsTypes.HsType. In addition, type, class, and instance declarations are maintained in their source form as defined in the module HsDecl. The situation changes during type checking, where types are translated into a second representation, which is defined in the module types/TypeRep.lhs, as type Type. This second representation is peculiar in that it is a hybrid between the source representation of types and the Core representation of types. Using functions, such as Type.coreView and Type.deepCoreView, a value of type Type exhibits its Core representation. On the other hand, pretty printing a Type with TypeRep.pprType yields the type's source representation.

In fact, the type checker maintains type environments based on Type, but needs to perform type checking on source-level types. As a result, we have functions Type.tcEqType and Type.tcCmpType, which compare types based on their source representation, as well as the function coreEqType, which compares them based on their core representation. The latter is needed during type checking of Core (as performed by the functions in the module coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs).

Type Synonyms

Type synonyms in Haskell are essentially a form of macro definitions on the type level. For example, when the type checker compares two type terms, synonyms are always compared in their expanded form. However, to produce good error messages, we like to avoid expanding type synonyms during pretty printing. Hence, Type has a variant NoteTy TyNote Type, where

data TyNote
  = FTVNote TyVarSet	-- The free type variables of the noted expression

  | SynNote Type	-- Used for type synonyms
			-- The Type is always a TyConApp, and is the un-expanded form.
			-- The type to which the note is attached is the expanded form.

In other words, a NoteTy represents the expanded form of a type synonym together with a note stating its source form.

Creating Representation Types of Synonyms

During translation from HsType to Type the function Type.mkSynTy is used to construct representations of applications of type synonyms. It creates a NoteTy node if the synonym is applied to a sufficient number of arguments; otherwise, it builds a simple TyConApp and leaves it to TcMType.checkValidType to pick up invalid unsaturated synonym applications. While creating a NoteTy, mkSynTy also expands the synonym by substituting the type arguments for the parameters of the synonym definition, using Type.substTyWith.

The function mkSynTy is used indirectly via mkGenTyConApp, mkAppTy, and mkAppTy, which construct type representations involving type applications. The function mkSynTy is also used directly during type checking interface files; this is for tedious reasons to do with forall hoisting - see the comment at TcIface.mkIfTcApp.


Data types declared by a newtype declarations constitute new type constructors---i.e., they are not just type macros, but introduce new type names. However, provided that a newtype is not recursive, we still want to implement it by its representation type. GHC realises this by providing two flavours of type equality: (1) tcEqType is source-level type equality, which compares newtypes and PredTypes by name, and (2) coreEqType compares them structurally (by using deepCoreView to expand the representation before comparing). The function deepCoreView (via coreView) invokes expandNewTcApp for every type constructor application (TyConApp) to determine whether we are looking at a newtype application that needs to be expanded to its representation type.


The dictionary translation of type classes, translates each predicate in a type context of a type signature into an additional argument, which carries a dictionary with the functions overloaded by the corresponding class. The Type data type has a special variant PredTy PredType for predicates, where

data PredType 
  = ClassP Class [Type]		-- Class predicate
  | IParam (IPName Name) Type	-- Implicit parameter

These types need to be handled as source type during type checking, but turn into their representations when inspected through coreView. The representation is determined by Type.predTypeRep.

Representation of Type Constructors

Type constructor applications are represented in Type by the variant TyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type. The first argument to TyConApp, namely TyCon.TyCon, distinguishes between function type constructors (variant FunTyCon) and algebraic type constructors (variant AlgTyCon), which arise from data and newtype declarations. The variant AlgTyCon contains all the information available from the data/newtype declaration as well as derived information, such as the Unique and argument variance information. This includes a field algTcRhs :: AlgTyConRhs, where AlgTyConRhs distinguishes three kinds of algebraic data type declarations: (1) declarations that have been exported abstractly, (2) data declarations, and (3) newtype declarations. The last two both include their original right hand side; in addition, the third variant also caches the "ultimate" representation type, which is the right hand side after expanding all type synonyms and non-recursive newtypes.

Both data and newtype declarations refer to their data constructors represented as DataCon.DataCon, which include all details of their signature (as derived from the original declaration) as well information for code generation, such as their tag value.

Representation of Classes and Instances

Class declarations turn into values of type Class.Class. They represent methods as the Ids of the dictionary selector functions. Similar selector functions are available for superclass dictionaries.

Instance declarations turn into values of type InstEnv.Instance, which in interface files are represented as IfaceSyn.IfaceInst. Moreover, the type InstEnv.InstEnv, which is a synonym for UniqFM ClsInstEnv, provides a mapping of classes to their instances---ClsInstEnv is essentially a list of instance declarations.

Last modified: Sun Jun 19 13:07:22 EST 2005