Render special characters as field separators in template

Jose A. Ortega Ruiz jao at
Wed May 15 01:24:19 BST 2013

Hi Daniel,

On Wed, May 15 2013, Daniel Patrick Sullivan wrote:

> Hi,
> I apologize if this is dumb question;  I am trying to use a special
> character as the field separator in my template.  I can render the
> character (a vertical centered dot) by executing the following command
> from a shell:
> --[dps at neve]-[~/Dropbox/github/arch_x86_64_configs]--
>> echo -e "\x00\x00\xb7"
> ·

For the record, if i execute that echo in an xterm, i don't see any
character. If i use this character: · directly in the template, it
works... just to try something, what happens if you copy and paste that

> This works all fine and good.  I am using the same font on my xterm as
> I am using for xmobar.  Now, when I try to copy and paste this
> character to my template, xmobar does not properly load.  If I delete
> the character and change it to a period, it does.

Are you compiling xmobar yourself? What compilation flags were used?

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