bug: icon endless read

Jose A. Ortega Ruiz jao at gnu.org
Sun Jun 2 21:26:52 BST 2013

On Sun, Jun 02 2013, Artur Zimmer wrote:

>> > If any template variable expansion were HTML escaped, would that work?
>> > Are there any variables which expand with a color sequence already?
>> It's typical use StdinReader (and XmonadProp) values with color markup
>> to highlight the current workspace number; we would break those usage
>> cases if we HTML-escape the received string.  I suspect Pipe is used in
>> similar ways too.  But perhaps i'm missing your point?
> the html escape will be used by for example xmonad to escape the
> window-title and for example mark the current window-page without
> escape (<fc=color>2</fc> escaped_by_xmonad_the_window_title
> <fc=color2>xmonaduptime</fc>)
> but the xmobar-parse should reverse the escaping after markuping (for
> example: coloring)

A window title can contain literal HTML escapes.  For this to work,
you're imposing on the user the obligation, that she doesn't have now,
of escaping what's passed to xmobar.  That's not transparent.

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