[QuickCheck] free generator shrinking

Reid Draper reiddraper at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 03:33:49 GMT 2013

I went ahead and also emailed the libraries mailing list [1], and have been getting some
good feedback there. Still, I'd appreciate any feedback here, from the current maintainers.
I've been making good progress proving-out the proof of concept myself, as I can now
simply copy-paste existing combinators (oneof, elements, frequency, etc.) and they
work as expected, including building up the shrink tree. If that continues to go well, I'll
start attacking the implementation directly in the current QC codebase. My current hacking
is in a private repository, but I'm happy to open it up if anyone is interested in taking a peek.


[1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2013-November/021674.html

On Nov 14, 2013, at 9:11 PM, Reid Draper <reiddraper at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an idea to eliminate the `shrink` function from the `Arbitrary` type
> class. Currently, users can optionally implement shrinking manually, this tends
> to be boilerplate code and is "...clearly a generic programming problem" [1].
> Further, users often have to create separate types to accommodate their
> domain's restrictions. For example, a user may wish to only generate
> power-of-two numbers for their test. Their code simply uses `Int`, but with
> QuickCheck they must create a `newtype` wrapper and implement this logic in
> both the `arbitrary` and `shrink` implementation. My idea is to
> eliminate the `shrink` function, and to integrate shrinking with the
> `arbitrary` function. Currently, the type for `arbitrary` is:
>    arbitrary :: Gen a
> and `Gen` has the definition:
>    newtype Gen a = MkGen{ unGen :: StdGen -> Int -> a }
> I suggest that instead of the inner-function returning `a`s, it should return
> `RoseTree a`. The root of the tree is the generated value, and the rest of the
> tree is all of the ways to shrink the value. Here's how things would fit
> together:
>    data RoseTree a = RoseTree a [RoseTree a]
>    -- this is the same as the current Gen
>    newtype Generator a = Gen { unGen :: StdGen -> Int -> a }
>    newtype Gen a = MkGen { unGen :: Gen (RoseTree a) }
> Conveniently, `Gen` still has a unary type constructor of `a`. Further, if
> users have implemented their `arbitrary` implementations in terms of the
> QuickCheck combinators, their code won't have to change at all (I don't think…).
> The lower-level combinators would be updated to manipulate trees, with
> functions like `joinRose` and `filterRose`. Let's next look at how `Gen`
> would implement the monad type class:
>    instance Monad Gen where
>        return = MkGen . return . return
>        gen >>= f = MkGen $ helper (unGen gen) (unGen . f)
>            -- sequence is from Data.Traversable
>            where helper m k = m >>= \y -> fmap joinRose $ sequence $ fmap k y
> The implementation of `return` is clear. `>>=` isn't too bad either: the
> function provided to bind will return `Gen b`'s, and `joinRose` and `sequence`
> help us pull this `Generator (RoseTree b))` 'out', much like `join` does. This
> means our users can still write code like:
>    (arbitrary :: Gen [Int]) >>= elements
> Which brings up a good point. The above code has an issue, `elements` is a
> partial function with respect to the empty list. With the current
> implementation, we'd use the `NonEmptyList` modifier, which much respect this
> predicate both during generation and shrinking. This change would allow all
> predicates to be expressed simply with `suchThat`, which, since it acts on both
> values _and_ shrink trees, applies the predicate in both places. The
> implementation of `suchThat` would have to unwrap `Gen`, and apply `roseFilter`
> to the `RoseTree` inside of `Generator`, using `fmap`.
> I have implemented the above description in my Clojure port of QuickCheck,
> called simple-check [1], and it seems to be working quite nicely. Further, I
> suspect Erlang QuickCheck [3] is doing something similar, though their
> implementation is not open source, I can't presume too much.
> Clearly this would be a big change, and my goal now is simply to start a
> discussion: how does this sound? What's wrong, what's likely to break? Feedback
> and criticism welcome.
> Reid
> [1] Scrap your boilerplate with class: extensible generic functions: http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/67439/gmap3.pdf
> [2] https://github.com/reiddraper/simple-check
> [3] http://www.quviq.com/index.html

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