Welcome to the HNN development efforts

Alp Mestan alpmestan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 10:32:25 EST 2010


I think all the people interested in HNN so far have subscribed to this
mailing list so here we go !

First, thank you all for your interest and particular thanks go to Thomas
who joined the development and is experimenting together with me some design
ideas for the next version.

About that next version... There are *many* goals to achieve, and I think we
should discuss them and establish a feature/goal list we must achieve for
0.2 (not sure we'll name it 0.2 if we really go the way Thomas and I are
thinking about).

A primary goal is to make the design much more general. The current version
is very weak on that point and thus we are rethinking the structural and
computational aspects of HNN. Our current experiments lean on a graph
structure that we traverse during the evaluation. We're also trying to find
a way to let GHC some place to do some optimizations regarding the
computations and compositions of bunch-of-neurons computations. We're not
there yet but already thinking about that.

An orthogonal goal is to provide nice tools to work with neural networks.
I'm particularly thinking about Jorden's work on Genetic Algorithms for
altering weights, a tool for visualizing neural networks (it'll be very easy
if we stick with the graph-based approach), and so on.

And, finally, a reasonably-sized neural network does a lot of computations,
and that's why we also will have to introduce optimizations to make HNN a
serious candidate for real-world neural network usage. However, until we
have the basis "ready", we won't be able to think about them, since it
depends quite much on what will be there.

Do you see any other goal we may have to achieve for the next version of HNN

And an auxiliary question : what module hierarchy can you think of for HNN ?

Thank you all for your time and interest.

Alp Mestanogullari
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