Month in Haskell Mode November 2015

Gracjan Polak gracjanpolak at
Tue Dec 1 09:02:18 GMT 2015

Welcome Haskell Mode users,

Haskell Mode progress report for November 2015 (online version

For previous issue see October 2015

Go to Reddit discussion
is Haskell Mode?

Haskell Mode is an umbrella project for multiple Emacs tools for efficient
Haskell development. Haskell Mode is an open source project developed by a
group of volunteers. For more information see

The bug that everybody was waiting for
<> was fixed! No more
'Illegal token' in indentation. Rejoice!

In the beginning of December we plan to tag new stable release of
haskell-mode with current state of the repo (plus possible bugfixes).

Haskell editor landscape is growing and there are compelling propositions
all over the place:

   - Atom IDE-Haskell <>
   - Haskell Vim IDE <>
   - Leksah - Haskell IDE in Haskell <>
   - Haskell for Mac <>

There is an idea turning into reality that there should be a common
infrastructure powering all of the above. It is brewing in Haskell IDE
Engine <> repo.
removal, reminder

Last month we declared that we plan to remove some cruft. Note that SCC
functions got salvaged and now they are fully functional part of
haskell-mode! Killing list for December:

   - Remove haskell-bot.el
   - Remove horizontal whitespace based smart indentation mode
   haskell-simple-indent <>
   - Remove Unicode input method
   - Remove haskell-checkers.el

project focus

Current project focus is to lower entry barrier for newcomers by defining
bite-sized tasks.

Get 50 'well-defined-tasks' done as by the metric:

A 'well-defined-task' is a category of tasks that have the field cleared
for them, questions already sorted out and detailed information how to get
them done. So you can just sit, search for 'well-defined-task' label and
enjoy the coding! The point is to lower the entry barrier for new users,
new issue reporters and advanced programmers but Emacs lisp beginners to
contribute to the project.

Current status: 14 well-defined-tasks closed
plus 13 more open

If only you can help with reaching our targets please do so!
closed in November

   - Repl hanging #447 <>
   - On opening a file, haskell-doc opens several files defined in import
   section #742 <>
   - Indentation has been spoiled #782
   - Refactor load-or-reload #807
   - Make import sorting/aligning optional #914
   - Remove possibility of 'Illegal token' from haskell-indentation #962
   - Can't edit a buffer while resolving merge conflict because Invalid
   Token error. #969 <>
   - C pragma and Illegal token: else #970
   - Please do not make haskell-mode non-useful without ghc-mod #974
   - haskell-process-load-file: cabal test-suite wants to inject deps into
   library #979 <>
   - Parsing failure with type-level lists #982
   - Stop blocking me from typing my code #985
   - haskell-process-do-type truncates types too aggressively #988
   - Code duplication between haskell-process-do-type,
   haskell-process-insert-type #989
   - Issues trying to use local version of a package in a layer #993
   - Emacs haskell-mode: how to send PART of file to repl? #1002
   - haskell-process-load-file error (wrong-type-argument
   number-or-marker-p nil) when code has an error #1004

requests merged in November

   - Add haskell-font-lock-tests.el. #957
   - [Doc] Add stack related configuration for compilation #971
   - Extract hoogle/hayoo code into haskell-hoogle.el and tidy up #973
   - Move some docs from wiki to manual #976
   - Don't spuriously modify tags-table-list's global value #978
   - Add an additional trigger for pragma suggestions #983
   - Add hayoo choice as part of hoogle url. #984
   - Clean up SCC code #986
   - Truncate multi-line messages less aggressively #990
   - Spelling #991 <>
   - Use haskell-process-load-file, not -load-or-reload #992
   - Add RET, TAB and BACKTAB tests #994
   - Add case for haskell-debug-parse-module regex to parse #995
   - Remove duplicate filename in Makefile #996
   - Remove haskell-indentation-parse-error #997
   - Fix markup typo in #999
   - Remove haskell-indentation-parse-error, fixup #1001
   - Do not sort imports twice #1003

active in November

Cody Goodman, Daniel Bergey, Gabor Greif, Gracjan Polak, Moritz Kiefer,
Sibi Prabakaran, Steve Purcell, Thien-Thi Nguyen

Haskell Mode needs volunteers like any other open source project. For more
information see:

Also drop by our IRC channel: #haskell-emacs at

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