Haskell Platform 2013.2 Proposal Status

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 16:37:39 BST 2013

We are delayed a week due to the turn around of 7.6.3. That was release
this past Sunday (go team!). Now I'm waiting to hear from the package
maintainers to know what versions should be in this release. I've heard
from fewer than half of them so far...

Updated the time line the 2013.2 release:

   - *April 29th* — Initial version list (.cabal file in repo updated in
   dev branch)
   - *May 2nd* — First candidates
   - *May 7th* — Open issues resolved, Second candidates
   - *May 13th* — Final release candidates

That's a little compressed there at the end, but I'd like us not to drift
too far....
- Mark
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