HP 2013.2 and GHC 7.6.2

Ian Lynagh ian at well-typed.com
Sun Apr 21 08:35:55 BST 2013

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 02:48:26PM +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> In the absence of a GHC-7.6.3, I'm not sure if it's practical for the HP
> to bump the Cabal version.

My proposal was 7.6.3 was a minimal release in a very short timeframe,
to just fix #7748. Any additional changes introduce a possibility of
regression. If you think that 7.6.2+1.16.0 would be OK, then it sounds
like the fixes in wouldn't be worth the risk (there are a
number of GHC fixes that we won't be merging either, for the same


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