[haskell-platform] #191: Using Data.Binary.Get requires --package option on HP 2011. 64 bits OS X

haskell-platform haskell-platform at projects.haskell.org
Mon Jan 16 22:43:25 GMT 2012

#191: Using Data.Binary.Get requires --package option on HP 2011. 64 bits
 Reporter:  Laurentg  |       Owner:  dons          
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  major     |   Milestone:                
Component:  Platform  |    Keywords:  hidden package
 After installing from scratch, creating a file with the following content:
 import Data.Binary.Get

 (Yes, nothing else.)
 and running it through ghc results in the following error message:
 $> runghc test.hs
     Could not find module `Data.Binary.Get':
       It is a member of the hidden package `ghc-binary-'.
       Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

 Running it this way works fine though:
 laurent at IceShelf: openGL1$ runghc -package ghc-binary- test.hs
 <interactive>:1:42: Not in scope: `main'

 I am not sure why this package is hidden?

 Since it is part of the Haskell Platform installation and fully visible in
 the corresponding locally installed docs one would expect it either to not
 be hidden or to have some mention in its documentation that it is hidden
 and thus requires an additional flag to be visible from GHC.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/ticket/191>
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