Where is the CABAL file for haskell-platform 2010.2.0.0?

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Fri Feb 4 07:38:15 GMT 2011

On 04/02/11 01:20, Jens Petersen wrote:
>> I'm not sure I'm reading the release plan for 2011.x.0.0[1] correctly
> (Currently it is offline...) but my understanding is that
> 2011.1.0.0 is a beta release currently based on ghc-7.0.1
> (ie what is currently in darcs), whereas 2011.2.0.0 will be a stable
> release (based on ghc-7.0.2 or later).
> Though I agree it is a little confusing listing the two
> releases together though I guess the thinking was that
> they are both part of the HP 2011 process.

After reading the release numbering document it became slightly
clearer, and I did update the release page in an attempt to clarify it
a bit.  Please have a look at it when it's back up to see if it indeed
is a clearer description.

> It would be nice to see an updated schedule anyway.

Yes, I think so too.

>> expecting that the link on the front page[2] would lead to the
>> 2010.2.0.0 release until a new stable version was released.  This
>> doesn't seem to be the case however:
> Yes it would be nice to have versions of the released .cabal files
> available online somewhere for reference.  In fact it don't really
> understand why haskell-platform releases can't live on hackage
> (possibly with some exception in cabal-install, etc if necessary).

They are available but it's not advertised very well.  In the end I
found the 2010.2.0.0 release at


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

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