Final word on OpenAL?

Sven Panne Sven.Panne at
Tue Apr 28 12:25:57 EDT 2009

Am Dienstag, 28. April 2009 03:24:23 schrieb Mikhail Glushenkov:
> what is the final word regarding inclusion of OpenAL? I for one
> would vote against including it, since it is not essential IMO
> and can be always added later. [...]

I've just uploaded new versions of the OpenGL/GLUT/OpenAL/ALUT packages to 
Hackage. The fix for the wrong calling convention for OpenAL is included, so 
perhaps you can give it a try. But if there is not enough time, I agree with 
you that the inclusion of OpenAL is not essential (although it would be nice 

OTOH, I strongly propose to use the new OpenGL/GLUT packages, they contain 
tons of bug fixes and a few additions which I've been asked for several times.


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