
Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at
Fri Aug 27 00:47:37 EDT 2010

Hi ben,

>> You should be able to write stencil functions that build and return stencil functions.  It may be a bit tricky (involving type classes) as we use native Haskell pattern matching (and not a facility in the embedded language) for pattern matching in the stencil — this does make it *much* nice to write stencil's manually, though.  In the worst case, there is always Template Haskell (a meta-programming facility for Haskell), with which we can even generate vanilla Haskell code.  So, generating stencil functions is surely possible.
>> You are saying that a convolution function would take a convolution kernel as its input.  How would you want to represent that kernel?
> I think your suggestion of using Template Haskell is a good one. In that case, I guess how the kernel is represented is less of an issue.
> Just to provide further motivation for where I'm coming from, perhaps a more compelling example is that of feature evaluation. In feature evaluation you run a stencil over a feature array (computed from the original input frame) and inspect a small, scattered, sub-set of the elements within each stencil. The scattering is specified by a feature classifier and it is static at the time of performing evaluation. The classifier typically only specifies a few hundred features out of much larger set of possibilities, for example, the stencil may be a 36x36 window with 8 features/element (i.e. 36x36x8 = 10368 features).
> Because the feature classifier is static it would be good to generate a stencil function that is customised for the contents of a particular classifier. Such a generator would need to customise the stencil pattern to be the correct size and the stencil function would need to be customised to only the required elements. Obviously, what you don't want is a stencil function that refers to a feature classifier at run-time to determine which elements to evaluate.

I completely agree, you want to optimise that statically.

> I haven't used Template Haskell before, but from what I understand it seems like it could probably support generating stencil code in this way.

TH basically let's you write a Haskell program that can generate another Haskell program that is then compiled.  So, yes, it should be fine for stencil generation. The main open question to me is how to represent such a stencil (even just internally).  Tuples don't seem such a good idea with 10368 possible features.  One possibility might be to generate the Accelerate AST directly.

>>> Is my understanding correct? Maybe there is a way too implement a function such as convolution ...
>>> This is not an immediate problem, but maybe it can be discussed again when we investigate larger stencil patterns in the future. For example, in one of our use cases (36x36 stencil), it would be ideal if the stencil function could be generated, where the generation is driven by data specifying which coordinates within the stencil bounding box are to be analysed.
>> In principle, I think, we can scale the current approach up to 36x36 stencils and use a code generator for the stencil code, but it may be a bit awkward.  So, we may want to have a look at whether we'd like an alternative interface for large stencils.  However, I'm worried that if we use arrays instead of tuples to describe the stencil, it'll get harder to identify unused stencil positions in the backend, so it depends a bit on what kind of convolution functions we are looking at.
> How are unused stencil positions currently identified?

In the AST, they are those positions that are not referenced in the body of the stencil expression.  We'll probably want a convenience function in D.A.A.Analysis.Stencil that checks which position are not referenced and provided that information in a more convenient form for the backend.


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