/* * This header file contains necessary definitions to compile the lexer, * and to provide information for FFI bindings. */ #ifndef PARSER_H_INCL #define PARSER_H_INCL /* Numeric values for tokens the lexer returns */ #define ANY 0x70001001 #define ATTRIBUTE 0x70001002 #define BOOLEAN 0x70001003 #define CHAR 0x70001004 #define CONST 0x70001005 #define DOUBLE 0x70001006 #define EOL 0x70001007 #define EXCEPTION 0x70001008 #define FALSE 0x70001009 #define FIXED 0x70001010 #define FLOAT 0x70001011 #define GETRAISES 0x70001012 #define IN 0x70001013 #define INOUT 0x70001014 #define INTERFACE 0x70001015 #define LONG 0x70001016 #define MODULE 0x70001017 #define MULTIPLE 0x70001018 #define NATIVE 0x70001019 #define OBJECT 0x70001020 #define OCTET 0x70001021 #define ONEWAY 0x70001022 #define OUT 0x70001023 #define RAISES 0x70001024 #define READONLY 0x70001025 #define SETRAISES 0x70001026 #define SEQUENCE 0x70001027 #define SHORT 0x70001028 #define STRING 0x70001029 #define STRUCT 0x70001030 #define TRUE 0x70001031 #define TYPEDEF 0x70001032 #define UNSIGNED 0x70001033 #define VALUETYPE 0x70001034 #define VOID 0x70001035 #define WCHAR 0x70001036 #define WSTRING 0x70001037 #define CALLER 0x70001038 #define CREATOR 0x70001039 #define DELETER 0x70001040 #define GETTER 0x70001041 #define IMPLEMENTS 0x70001042 #define OMITTABLE 0x70001043 #define OPTIONAL 0x70001044 #define SETTER 0x70001045 #define STRINGIFIER 0x70001046 #define ELLIPSIS 0x70001047 #define OP_SCOPE 0x70001101 #define OP_SHL 0x70001102 #define OP_SHR 0x70001103 #define POUND_SIGN 0x70001201 #define PRAGMA_ID 0x70001202 #define IDENTIFIER 0x70001301 #define INTEGER_LITERAL 0x70001302 #define CHARACTER_LITERAL 0x70001303 #define WIDE_CHARACTER_LITERAL 0x70001304 #define FLOATING_PT_LITERAL 0x70001305 #define STRING_LITERAL 0x70001306 #define WIDE_STRING_LITERAL 0x70001307 #define FIXED_PT_LITERAL 0x70001308 #define JAVADOC 0x70001401 /* Other structures and constants definitions */ typedef struct yyltype { int first_line; int first_column; int last_line; int last_column; } yyltype; #define YYLTYPE yyltype typedef struct tokval { char *name; } tokval; extern YYLTYPE yylloc, *p_yylloc; extern tokval yylval, *p_yylval; #define true 1 #define false 0 #define bool int #define YY_USER_INIT {\ yylval.name = NULL;\ yylloc.first_line = 1;\ yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_line = yylloc.last_column = 0;\ p_yylloc = &yylloc;\ p_yylval = &yylval;\ } int yyinput (void); #endif