Using testrunner

This is a tutorial for the testrunner library. For the details of the exported API, please consult the haddock documentation.

Two ways to use it

There are two ways you can use the testrunner library. The first is to put all the unit tests of your application in a big list, and then have a one-line main function for your unit test program that calls the testRunnerMain function from Test.Runner to run the unit tests.

If you use testrunner this way, you get a unit test program with a couple of nice features almost for free. You can replay QuickCheck tests, select which tests to run, and choose how many tests to run at the same time from the command line. If you wish to extend the functionality of the unit test program however, you have to modify the testrunner library.

That is why there is another way to use testrunner: you can use the functions exported by Test.Runner.Driver and Test.Runner.Backends to run unit tests. You can tell testrunner how many tests to run in parallel, or tell it the QuickCheck arguments to use when running QuickCheck tests. You get back a data structure that you can examine to see which tests failed and which succeeded. This way of using testrunner is not further described in this document, but see the haddock.

Using testrunner the first way, using testRunnerMain

Say you have a program called hello, which contains the simple source file Hello.hs shown here:

    module Hello where

    helloWorld :: String
    helloWorld = hello "world"

    hello :: String -> String
    hello s = "hello " ++ s

Now we want to define unit tests for this module. Let's say we come up with the following. I realize that they are silly, but this is not a guide to testing the right properties, this is a guide to using testrunner. Here is the test code, in a file Test.hs:

    module Main where

    import Test.HUnit
    import Test.QuickCheck

    import Hello

    -- use HUnit to assert that helloWorld produces "hello world"
    hunitTest :: Test
    hunitTest = TestCase $ do
        assertEqual "hello world" "hello world" helloWorld

    -- use QuickCheck to check the length of hello's result
    helloLength :: String -> Bool
    helloLength s = length (hello s) == length "hello " + length s

    -- A simple boolean expression that states that hello of an empty string is
    -- "hello"
    helloEmpty :: Bool
    helloEmpty = hello "" == "hello "

The only thing lacking from this test module is a main function. Of course, you could easily write your own, but the simple version would not support parallel test execution, selecting unit tests to execute, or running the QuickCheck test with the same random sample as a previous run.

testrunner lets you write your main function more concise and gives you those nice properties for free. Here is Test.hs again, with the testrunner-based main function:

    module Main where

    import Test.HUnit
    import Test.QuickCheck
    import Test.Runner

    import Hello

    -- use HUnit to assert that helloWorld produces "hello world"
    hunitTest :: Test
    hunitTest = TestCase $ do
        assertEqual "hello world" "hello world" helloWorld

    -- use QuickCheck to check the length of hello's result
    helloLength :: String -> Bool
    helloLength s = length (hello s) == length "hello " + length s

    -- A simple boolean expression that states that hello of an empty string is
    -- "hello"
    helloEmpty :: Bool
    helloEmpty = hello "" == "hello "

    tests :: [(String, TestRunnerTest)]
    tests = [("helloWorld value", TestRunnerTest hunitTest),
             ("hello length", runWithQuickCheck helloLength),
             ("value of hello applied to empty string", TestRunnerTest helloEmpty)]
    main :: IO ()
    main = testRunnerMain tests

Here, we put all the unit tests in a list of type [(String, TestRunnerTest)], where the first element of every tuple is the name of the test. We use the TestRunnerTest constructor to create a TestRunnerTest from HUnit tests and boolean expressions, and use runWithQuickCheck to turn QuickCheck Testables into TestRunnerTests. Then our main function is a one-liner that calls testRunnerMain on this list.

Now your powerful unit test program is ready! For example, try the commands:

      ghc --make -threaded Test.hs -o test
      ./test -m length
      ./test -r '1387922338 2147483372,86'
      ./test -r '1387922338 2147483372,86' -m length
      ./test -j 3 +RTS -N3

The first command compiles the Test.hs file to an executable named test. The second command just runs all the tests and reports the result. The second command runs only the test whose name matches the regular expression 'length'. The third command tries the QuickCheck test (helloLength) with the random seed of 1387922338 2147483372 and size 86, a combination that makes a lot of darcs unit tests fail. The fourth command runs only the QuickCheck tests like the second, and runs it with the random seed and size of the third command. The fifth command runs all the unit tests in parallel.

You may notice that screen output becomes garbled when running tests in parallel. This is partly due to the QuickCheck API, and that is why it is not fixed. The report at the end (the single line "3 tests passed" in this example) is printed after the worker threads have quit, and thus will always be readable.

That's it folks, enjoy!