/* hat-check: reads hat trace files, checking at least the basic format * other checks and information can be requested by options * Colin Runciman, University of York * Original version February 2001 * text output as default, with -v option for added verification check * 21 March 2001 * added -s option for statistics, made text an option (-a) * 28 March 2001 * added -r option to check proportion of nodes reachable * 6 April 2001 * -v extended to check for inappropriate zero pointers * -n option added to request textual dump of single node * when both -a & -r set show reachability of each node in text lines * 8 May 2001 * allow (but ignore) bits to mark SATs with no APP * accept progname with or without .hat * 2-4 April 2002 - Malcolm Wallace * Update to new file format. * 12 June 2002 - Colin * Added -g option to generate dot-code for graph diagram. * 4 August 2004 - Olaf * Update to extended position format (begin and end location). */ /* #include */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "art.h" #include "ntohl.h" /* out-of-range values must be <= 31 && not overlap Exps and Atoms */ #define ANYEXP 22 #define ANYATOM 23 #define HEADER 24 #define INVALID 30 #define BEYOND 31 /* prototypes */ void badusage (void); void initstats (void); void reportstats (void); void cleartag (char *b); void header (void); void nodes (void); void nextnode (void); void markfromheader (unsigned long *buf); void markfromoutput (char *bridgefile, unsigned long *buf); void markfrom (unsigned long root, unsigned long *buf); /* strings for symbolic constants */ char* tag2str (int k) { switch (k) { case Module: return "Module"; break; case SrcPos: return "SrcPos"; break; case ExpApp: return "ExpApp"; break; case ExpValueApp: return "ExpValueApp"; break; case ExpChar: return "ExpChar"; break; case ExpInt: return "ExpInt"; break; case ExpInteger: return "ExpInteger"; break; case ExpRat: return "ExpRat"; break; case ExpRational: return "ExpRational"; break; case ExpFloat: return "ExpFloat"; break; case ExpDouble: return "ExpDouble"; break; case ExpValueUse: return "ExpValueUse"; break; case ExpConstUse: return "ExpConstUse"; break; case ExpConstDef: return "ExpConstDef"; break; case ExpGuard: return "ExpGuard"; break; case ExpCase: return "ExpCase"; break; case ExpIf: return "ExpIf"; break; case ExpFieldUpdate: return "ExpFieldUpdate"; break; case ExpProjection: return "ExpProjection"; break; case ExpHidden: return "ExpHidden"; break; case ExpForward: return "ExpForward"; break; case ExpDoStmt: return "ExpDoStmt"; break; case AtomVariable: return "AtomVariable"; break; case AtomConstructor: return "AtomConstructor"; break; case AtomAbstract: return "AtomAbstract"; break; case ListCons: return "ListCons"; break; case ANYEXP: return "Exp"; break; case ANYATOM: return "Atom"; break; case HEADER: return "HEADER/INVALID"; break; /* same for INVALID */ case BEYOND: return "beyond end of file"; default: return "unknown/unused"; break; } } char* ref2str (int k) { switch (k) { case Root: return "Root"; break; case Unevaluated: return "Unevaluated"; break; case Entered: return "Entered"; break; case Interrupted: return "Interrupted"; break; case Lambda: return "Lambda"; break; case DoLambda: return "DoLambda"; break; default: return "Ref"; break; } } /* Main driver and routines to provide basic interface to archive file. */ FILE* f; /* file descriptor for archive */ unsigned long nextoffset=0; /* current position in file */ int vmode = 0; /* verify -- check tag-types of pointer destinations */ int smode = 0; /* statistics -- counts and space usage for node types */ int amode = 0; /* ascii -- show archive in a `readable' text format */ int gmode = 0; /* graph -- generate source for dot graph-drawing */ int nmode = 0; /* node -- show node at given offset in text format */ int rmode = 0; /* reachable -- show how many nodes are reachable */ int xmode = 0; /* exit mode -- cleanup after signal to halt */ unsigned filesize = 0; /* used in precondition for seeks ... */ struct stat statbuf; /* ... to catch seek beyond EOF */ #define FILENAMESIZE 200 char filename[FILENAMESIZE]; /* byte buffer for use in reachability mark-phase */ #define BUFFERSIZE 100000 unsigned long buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; /* signal handler -- only installed for -r */ void restoretags (int signum) { fprintf(stderr, "hat-check cleaning up -- please wait\n"); amode = 0; rmode = 0; smode = 0; vmode = 0; xmode = 1; fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); nextoffset = 0; header(); nodes(); exit(1); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; while (++i < argc-1) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { vmode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { smode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) { amode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0) { gmode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) { nmode = 1; sscanf(argv[++i], "0x%x", &nextoffset); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) { smode = 1; rmode = 1; } else { badusage(); } } if (i > argc-1) badusage(); strcpy(filename, argv[i]); if (!strends(".hat", filename)) strcat(filename, ".hat"); stat(filename, &statbuf); filesize = statbuf.st_size; f = fopen(filename, (rmode ? "r+b" : "rb")); if (f==(FILE*)0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open trace file %s\n",filename); exit(1); } /* version checking added by MW */ { int err; char *header = (char*)malloc(10*sizeof(char)); err = fread(header,sizeof(char),8,f); if (err!=8) { fprintf(stderr,"hat-check (error): file %s is too short\n",filename); exit(1); } if (strncmp(header,"Hat",3)) { fprintf(stderr,"hat-check (error): file %s\n",filename); fprintf(stderr," does not appear to be a Hat archive. Quitting.\n"); exit(1); } if (strncmp(header+3,FILEVERSION,4)) { fprintf(stderr,"hat-check (warning): file %s\n",filename); fprintf(stderr," appears to be a Hat archive in format %s\n",header+3); fprintf(stderr," but this tool deals with format version %s\n",FILEVERSION); fprintf(stderr," I'm continuing, but there may be unexpected errors.\n"); } fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); /* reset to beginning of file */ free(header); } if (nmode) { if (nextoffset >= filesize) { fprintf(stderr, "-n 0x%x is beyond end of trace file\n", nextoffset); exit(1); } amode = 1; rmode = 0; smode = 0; } else { nextoffset = 0L; } if (rmode) { signal(SIGINT, restoretags); #ifdef SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, restoretags); #endif markfromheader(buffer); strcat(filename, ".bridge"); markfromoutput(filename,buffer); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); } fseek(f,nextoffset,SEEK_SET); if (nmode) { nextnode(); } else { if (smode) initstats(); if (gmode) printf("digraph hat{\n"); header(); nodes(); if (gmode) printf("}\n"); if (amode && smode) putchar('\n'); if (smode) reportstats(); } } int strends (char *e, char *s) { int d = strlen(s) - strlen(e); return d>=0 && strcmp(s+d, e)==0; } void badusage (void) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: hat-check [-a] [-n ][-r] [-s] [-v] prog-name\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-a\tprint ascii text version of hat file\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-g\tprint dot graph-drawing code\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-n\tprint text for specified node only (disables -r, -s)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-r\tprint statistics about reachable nodes (implies -s)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-s\tprint statistics about frequency and size of nodes\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-v\tverify tag types of pointer destinations\n"); exit(1); } #define MAX_TAG 32 unsigned int count[MAX_TAG]; /* indexed by tag byte: Module, SrcPos, etc */ unsigned long space[MAX_TAG];/* ditto */ unsigned long headspace; /* space oocupied by header */ unsigned int reachcount[MAX_TAG]; void initstats (void) { int k; for (k=0; kDoLambda) { int t = tagat(requireoffset); if (t != requiretag) { if ((requiretag==ANYEXP) && (ExpApp<=t) && (t<=ExpDoStmt)) ; else if ((requiretag==ANYATOM) && (AtomVariable<=t) && (t<=AtomAbstract)) ; else fprintf(stderr, "tag at 0x%x is %s, not %s as %s at 0x%x implies\n" , requireoffset, tag2str(t), tag2str(requiretag) , tag2str(contexttag), contextoffset); } } if (amode) { switch(requireoffset) { case Root: case Unevaluated: case Entered: case Interrupted: case Lambda: case DoLambda: printf("(%s)",ref2str(requireoffset)); break; default: printf("(%s 0x%x)", tag2str(requiretag), requireoffset); break; } } if (gmode && requireoffset!=0 && *edgelabel != '\0') if (strcmp(edgelabel,"p")==0) printf("%d -> %d [style=dashed]\n", contextoffset, requireoffset); else printf("%d -> %d [label=\"%s\"]\n", contextoffset, requireoffset, edgelabel); } #define ismarked(b) ((b)&0x80) void marktag (char *b) { *b |= 0x80; } void cleartag (char *b) { *b &= 0x7F; } /* reading, checking and/or writing header and node information */ void header (void) { char s[9]; fread(s,sizeof(char),8,f); s[8]='\0'; nextoffset = 8; if (amode) printf("%s", s); if (amode) printf("\nEntry point: "); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), HEADER, 0L, ""); if (amode) printf("\nError message: "); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, AtomAbstract, readpointer(), HEADER, 0L, ""); if (amode) printf("\n"); headspace = nextoffset; } void nodes (void) { while (!feof(f)) { nextnode(); } } void nextnode (void) { unsigned long offset = nextoffset; char b; int marked, err; err = fread(&b,sizeof(char),1,f); nextoffset+=1; if (err!=1) return; if (rmode || xmode) { marked = ismarked(b); if (marked) { cleartag(&b); newtagat(&b, offset); } if (amode) printf("%s", (marked ? "=> " : " ")); } { int k = lo5(b); if ((ExpDoStmtListCons) { fprintf(stderr, "strange tag %d at byte offset 0x%x\n", k, offset); exit(1); } else if (smode) { count[k]++; if (rmode && marked) reachcount[k]++; } switch (k) { case ListCons: if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ListCons\"]\n", offset, offset); if (amode) printf("0x%x: %-20s\t", offset, tag2str(k)); if (amode) printf("elem="); dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "e"); if (amode) printf(" tail="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ListCons, readpointer(), k, offset, "t"); break; case Module: if (amode) { if (tracedModule(b)) printf("0x%x: Module (suspect) \t", offset); else printf("0x%x: Module (trusted) \t", offset); } { char *s = readstring(); if (amode) printf("%s\t", s); } { char *s = readstring(); if (amode) printf("\"%s\"", s); } break; case SrcPos: if (amode) printf("0x%x: SrcPos\t\t\t", offset); dopointer(NONZERO, Module, readpointer(), k, offset, ""); { char *p = readposn(); if (amode) printf(" %s", p); } break; case AtomVariable: if (amode) { if (localDef(b)) printf("0x%x: AtomVariable (local)\t", offset); else printf("0x%x: AtomVariable (toplevel)\t", offset); } if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x AtomVariable", offset, offset); dopointer(NONZERO, Module, readpointer(), k, offset, ""); { char *p = readposn(); if (amode) printf(" %s", p); } { char *fp = readfixpri(); if (*fp!='\0' && amode) printf("%s ", fp); } { unsigned int a = readarity(); if (amode || gmode) printf(amode ? " arity=%u," : " %u", a); } { char *n = readstring(); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %s", n); } if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); break; case AtomConstructor: if (amode) printf("0x%x: %-20s\t", offset, tag2str(k)); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x AtomConstructor", offset, offset); dopointer(NONZERO, Module, readpointer(), k, offset, ""); { char *p = readposn(); if (amode) printf(" %s", p); } { char *fp = readfixpri(); if (*fp!='\0' && amode) printf("%s", fp); } { unsigned int a = readarity(); if (amode || gmode) printf(amode ? " arity=%u," : " %u", a); { char *n = readstring(); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %s", n); } if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); if hasFields(b) { int i; if (amode) printf(" fields:"); for (i=1; i<=a; i++) { dopointer(NONZERO, AtomVariable, readpointer(), k, offset, (gmode ? (sprintf(stringbuf,"%d",i), stringbuf) : "") ); } } } break; case AtomAbstract: if (amode) printf("0x%x: %-20s\t", offset, tag2str(k)); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x AtomAbstract ", offset, offset); { char *s = readstring(); if (amode || gmode) printf("%s", s); } if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); break; default: { if (amode) printf("0x%x: %-20s\t", offset, tag2str(k)); if (hasSrcPos(b)) { if (amode) printf("use="); dopointer(NONZERO, SrcPos, readpointer(), k, offset, ""); if (amode) printf(" "); } // if (amode && (ExpChar <= k) && (k <= ExpConstUse)) { // printf("("); // if (!isEntered(b)) printf("not "); // printf("entered) "); // } switch (k) { case ExpApp: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" result="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "r"); if (amode) printf(" fun="); dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "f"); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpApp", offset, offset); { unsigned int a = readarity(); int i; if (amode || gmode) printf(amode ? " arity=%u, args " : " %u\"]\n",a); for (i=1; i<=a; i++) dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, (gmode ? (sprintf(stringbuf,"%d",i), stringbuf) : "") ); } break; case ExpValueApp: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" fun="); dopointer(NONZERO, ANYATOM, readpointer(), k, offset, "f"); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpValueApp", offset, offset); { unsigned int a = readarity(); int i; if (amode || gmode) printf(amode ? " arity=%u, args " : " %u\"]\n",a); for (i=1; i<=a; i++) dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, (gmode ? (sprintf(stringbuf,"%d",i), stringbuf) : "") ); } break; case ExpChar: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { char c = nextbyte(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpChar", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" '%c'", c); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpInt: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { int i; i = readfourbytes(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpInt", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %d", i); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpInteger: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { char* i; i = readinteger(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpInteger", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %s", i); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpRat: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { int n,d; n=readfourbytes(); d=readfourbytes(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpRat", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %d%%%d", n,d); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpRational: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { char* r = readrational(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpRational", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %s", r); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpFloat: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { float f = readfloat(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpFloat", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %f", f); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpDouble: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); { double d = readdouble(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"ExpDouble", offset); if (amode || gmode) printf(" %f", d); if (gmode) printf("\"]\n"); } break; case ExpValueUse: if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpValueUse\"]\n", offset, offset); if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" value="); dopointer(MAYBELAMBDA, ANYATOM, readpointer(), ExpValueUse, offset,"v"); break; case ExpConstUse: if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpConstUse\"]\n", offset, offset); if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" const="); dopointer(NONZERO, ExpConstDef, readpointer(), k, offset, "c"); break; case ExpConstDef: if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpConstDef\"]\n", offset, offset); if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" result="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "r"); if (amode) printf(" var="); dopointer(NONZERO, AtomVariable, readpointer(), k, offset, "v"); break; case ExpGuard: case ExpCase: case ExpIf: if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x %s\"]\n", offset, offset, k==ExpGuard ? "ExpGuard" : k==ExpCase ? "ExpCase" : "ExpIf"); if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" result="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "r"); if (amode) printf(" cond="); dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "c"); break; case ExpFieldUpdate: if (amode) printf("parent="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "p"); if (amode) printf(" result="); dopointer(MAYBEZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "r"); if (amode) printf(" arg="); dopointer(NONZERO, ANYEXP, readpointer(), k, offset, "a"); { unsigned int i, arity = readarity(); if (gmode) printf("%d [label=\"0x%x ExpFieldUpdate %u\"]\n", offset, offset, arity); if (amode) printf(" arity=%u, binders ",arity); for (i=0; i 8 && root < filesize) { /* First read the tag byte. If it is marked, return. * If it is not marked, then mark it now. */ fseek(f,root,SEEK_SET); fread(&tag,sizeof(char),1,f); if (ismarked(tag)) return; marktag(&tag); fseek(f,root,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&tag,sizeof(char),1,f); cleartag(&tag); /* Examine the tag to determine the kind of node. * Read pointers from the node into buf, then * markfrom() these pointers recursively. The buffer is * overwritten where possible to minimise the risk of overflow: * for this reason, pointers are recursively traced in * reverse order. */ { int k = lo5(tag); if ((ExpDoStmt < k && k < AtomVariable) || k > ListCons) { fprintf(stderr, "strange tag %d at 0x%x\n", k, root); exit(1); } switch (k) { case ListCons: fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned long),2,f); /* two pointers */ markfrom(getpointer(buf+1),buf+1); markfrom(getpointer(buf),buf); break; case Module: break; case AtomAbstract: break; case SrcPos: case AtomVariable: case AtomConstructor: /* ignore fieldnames for now */ fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned long),1,f); /* points to module mode */ markfrom(getpointer(buf),buf); break; default: { int pos = 0; if (hasSrcPos(tag)) { fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),1,f); pos++; } fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),1,f); /* parent pointer */ pos++; switch (k) { case ExpApp: fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),2,f); /* result+fun */ pos += 2; { unsigned char arity; fread(&arity,sizeof(unsigned char),1,f); fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),(unsigned int)arity,f); pos += (int)arity; } break; case ExpValueApp: fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),1,f); /* fun */ pos += 1; { unsigned char arity; fread(&arity,sizeof(unsigned char),1,f); fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),(unsigned int)arity,f); pos += (int)arity; } break; case ExpValueUse: case ExpConstUse: case ExpProjection: fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),1,f); /* one extra pointer */ pos++; break; case ExpHidden: case ExpConstDef: case ExpFieldUpdate: /* ignore fieldnames for now */ case ExpGuard: case ExpCase: case ExpIf: fread(buf+pos,sizeof(unsigned long),2,f); /* two pointers */ pos+=2; break; default: break; /* no pointers */ } for (;pos-->0;) markfrom(getpointer(buf+pos), buf+pos); } break; } } } }